Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interactivity #1

My 3 most influential communication technologies are:

1. Cell Phone

2. Email

3. Skype

     In the video regarding Olivia, she came across as a technologically savvy 17 year-old-girl.  This doesn't come as much of a surprise in today's society, however Olivia's socio-economic status has proven a hindrance to her learning/interacting with technology. She does not always have access to a computer (there is one in her building with limited hours of accessibility) and can go to other places - such as the Apple Store - to take photos of herself and put them on her MySpace page.  She admitted to constantly being on her cell phone - a way to check her MySpace and communicate with friends and family.  Remarkably, Olivia is mainly self-taught in regards to learning all of the technologies she uses on a daily basis.  Her love of social media is a continuing trend among young adults - the easier way to communicate the better.  Olivia reacts like any other 17 year-old reacts to technology, regardless of her socio-economic status.
     As a future teacher, I will have to be mindful of my students and understand that not all students in my classroom will have the means to access computers on a regular basis.  In planning lessons I will have to either utilize my school's resources in order for students to complete assigned tasks or figure out some other way for the assignments to be completed. 

     In the video "Learning to Change, Changing to Learn" the children all expressed their ideas of what technology means to them.  In regards to learning, they use technology to type papers, do research, communicate with friends and teachers, to create projects - videos or movies - design art projects and other digital medias, one girl even learned Japanese using her computer.

     The way in which I learn new information has been streamlined greatly by the aid of my iPhone.  I have the internet, email, music, newspapers, search sites, etc. at my fingertips.  I never have to leave my apartment in order to learn anything - which has aided in my access to information, but boosted my laziness of experiencing moments for myself.
     Like Olivia and the kids in the "Learning to Change, Changing to Learn" video, I am always hooked to my social media sites - Twitter and Facebook especially.  I use my computer for communication - Skype being the best way to talk to people far away.  My cell phone is attached to my person as well, it rarely if ever is beyond visibility and it is used as an alarm clock, an iPod, a mode of various communication - phone, email, skype - and for taking pictures and typing documents.